Reentry Services

Jobs for ex-felonsExfelons can use these pages to locate a job.

Perryville Banditas: Facebook pages by and for women released from Perryville Prison.

Reentry Tips for Women: TIPSHEETS are an important resource for staff to use as a component of their ongoing discussions with the woman during her reentry planning process, and as a reminder of discussions and plans that have been identified during her period of incarceration.

Maricopa County Human Services Department: Clothing, employment opportunities, basic needs, discounted services, etc.

Council of State Government Justice Center: Contacts and programs that may be available locally or that have been successful elsewhere.

Maricopa County Attorney's Office Citizen's Academy: Citizen's Academy is available one day a month based on application and background check.

Roadmap to Reentry: The Roadmap to Reentry identifies five evidence-based principles guiding federal efforts to improve the correctional practices and programs that govern the lives of those who will reenter society after incarceration.

Arizona Common Ground: Provides services to men, women and youth when released from prison.

Recordgone: Lists programs and websites that can help ex-offenders locate housing, obtain job training and find employment.

Southwest Network: Lists resources available to released prisoners.

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