John & Marylyn Bradley Album

Carolyn's Herscher Home

Marylyn, Carolyn, Christine

John & Maryl\yn Bradley

Family Oak Tree

Last of our generation

Carolyn, Sue, John & Ruth

Property Marker

My 80th Birthday 80 candle
Birthday Cake

Tradition I started for my
father when he turned
80 in 1980


Howard & Esther Bradley
Golden Anniversary

Cecil & Edith Patton
Golden Anniversary

John Delany Winger
presented family Civil War
Cavalry Sword

Deven's West Clear Creek

Canaan John Glenn Bradley

Lydia Chance's pizza

Deven's Science Project

Eating healthy!

Dixie Highway Farm

Chief Yellowhead's Grave

Fall Homestead Pond

Last Fall Homestead Visit
When Samuel Beebe homesteaded in 1836 his was one of two "white families" between Momence and Chicago. Chief Yellowhead's village was less than a mile away in the woods up a gentle slope on the other side of a stream. Mr. Beebe spoke of wolves and a herd of more than 300 deer in the meadows between his homestead and Chief Yellowhead's village. Leonard Perry Bradley, my Grandfather, married Mr. Beebe's daughter Bertha and inherited the farm. Leonard died in 1941 a few weeks after I was born.
October 2015 Trip Home

Ho Bo Joe

So much fun

Wall Climbing Deven

Lydia the Instigator

Overlooking the Colorado

Entrance to Bryce

Dinosaur Park

Promontory Peak

Aunt Sues' spooky Oak

Aunt Sues' barge

First Dairy Queen

Family Tradition

Paths through the woods

Canaan was cautious

Wagon Tracks

Grandpa Bradleys' Pond
Summer 2013 Trip with Canaan

Pointy House

Penny Diner

Penny Diner

Portland Food Trucks

Marathon Cheerleaders

Won the Race

Clearwater River

Thistle Farmer

Highway 1 in California

Glacier Park ahead

San Francisco Pier

To Alcatraz

Bryce Park

Fishermans' Wharf

Redwood Forest

Leaving Glacier Park
Summer 2012 Trip. We three visited 22 states

Baking Christmas Cookies

Deven Budding Engineer

Lydia Intense

Victory Dance
Phoenix to Seattle to the Homestead to Phoenix

Meeting China Expert

Rod Freeman's Gift

Seattle is cool & damp

Eireans' House

Across the Sound

Space Needle

Pretend what?

Trolls there be in Seattle


Four brothers in 2007

Cabin Dad built in 67

Christmas Decorations

Canaan & Madie

Don's Ginseng Patch

Don Schriefer, JD

Marylyn and me
Pulling Posts

My gift to Brother Jim.
Paint job, not tractor.

He died soon thereafter.

Faith, Grace & Canaan


Canaan's 1st Fish

Emily at Marylyn's Phi
Theta Kappa conference

Malan's 2006 visit

2005 trip to China

First of Two


Canaan at Eight

Canaan moved to Avondale with us at 2 years of age. He was in Kansas for a few years. At 16 he returned here for good.

Once Lydia arrived life was all about her
Lydia shopping at Lake Pleasant Gift Shop. Look at that attitude.

Malan's Olympic doll
gifts to our Grandkids.

Canaan and Lydia both born on January 26th, exactly ten years apart.
Then Deven arrived and life was multi-faceted.

Me dying at 12,000 ft

Canaan built this
during winter break,

Canaan just fine.

Sandy Jean Smith
Memorial Service
Pleasant Grove,
Hatton, Missouri
June 13, 2009

Then Canaan got moved to Kansas