Develop the Body of a Report:
Copy and paste from your proposal. This insures
consistency throughout your report.


1. Results: Copy and paste the Questions and Answers from your Appendix.

2. Conclusions: Analyze the results and explain what they mean. This is an opportunity to demonstrate ability to think critically.

3. Recommendations: Present your recommendations for improvement. This is what managers are paid to do.

4. Introduction: Describe your organization's mission and core business. Use care as managers know the facts.

5. Problem: Copy and paste this statement from your proposal as this is what you were given permission to do.

6. Method: Copy and paste this statement from your proposal as this is what you have permission to do.


Your proposal defined
"out of scope" project you
were given permisson to

Copying and pasting from an
approved proposal proves
you follow directions.

Use this process to cost-
effectively prove you can...

  1. Collect data
  2. Analyze data
  3. Make conclusions and
  4. Make recommendations.

Finally, complete the report and____
describe what you did.