I recommend anyone who must pay for their college education them self to…

  1. Defer college until after you know what you enjoy doing that pays well enough to support yourself.
  2. Try different jobs. There is often difference between a job title and what a person actually does. Volunteering, or an entry-level job, will expose a you to reality so you can learn if a potential work-life environment is really a good match to your abilities and aspirations.
  3. Seek out honest mentors who are in good stead and then seek their help each step up the career ladder to where you choose to land.
  4. Earn credentials that will qualify you for jobs that pay enough for you to you make your dreams come true.
  5. Enroll in a university to complete a college degree IF that will help you attain your long-term goals.

It is possible for a person, who does not have a college trust fund or parent paying for their college education, to make their dreams come true.