Operations Management

On-Line Syllabus

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Skills are taught in all Management Core Courses...

  • Function in diverse social, organizational and technological systems to attain goals. (Learning Teams
  • Communicate orally, in writing and with technology as needed to attain goals. (E-Mail, the Internet, portfolios & oral presentations
  • Use word-processors to create business professional quality documents. (Portfolios)
  • Use the Internet to communicate in a professional manner.

These Skills are taught in this course...

  • Describe essential managerial functions.
  • Create a functional organization chart.
  • Develop a Marketing Plan.
  • Conduct a financial organizational analysis.
  • Conduct a quanitative organizational analysis.
  • Describe managerial controlling processes.
  • Describe ways to influence, dorect and motivate employees.

This is supplemented with...

  • Team Projects.
  • Business Plan Development.


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This site is authored by John Bradley.
Maricopa is not responsible for content.