
and this is one great big IF,
Shirley McLane and 600 million Hindus are right
(and we are reincarnated into anything other than melons)
then I want to apply to Celestial Employment, Inc.
to come back next time in the Deity tax bracket.
I mean, I'm not asking all that

I would be perfectly happy
as a minor Deity,
like Lord of the Wizzmoppers
so that every time someone misses their aim
and hits a floor or wall
they would be compelled to drop to their knees and proclaim

"Hail to Eirean Almighty, Purveyor of Disinfectant and Windex."

Yeah, I would make an excellent minor Deity,
but I'd make an even better
Lord God of all Creation!

It's not that hard of a job

Do you think God
has ever scrubbed a holy toilet bowl,
washed a sacred dish,
mopped up angelic puke?

I don't think there's a blessed File-a-Fax with

Mass earthquake in Calcutta, Thursday.
Create animal more messed up than Platypus, Friday.
Golf with Sammy Davis Jr. and John the Baptist, Saturday,
Tee time @ 4p.

If there's any real work to be done, like

healing the sick
curing the blind
splitting the Red Sea or
dying on the cross

I'd send my Ted Nugent look-alike son,
there's more where he came from.

Didn't you know,
the convent system was set up as a dating service.
What better pickup line is there than,
"What's your sign, I'm God."
There's a number of choices in this town alone.
Of course she has to be

D cup
and willing to on the first date.

if I've got to kick my heels up on the Righteous Desk
there are going to be some changes.

All angels will look like Jeanine Garofalo.
Rush Limbaugh will be a migrant worker,
so he will know what he's talking about.
Susan Powter and Richard Simmons will have glandular defects,
like all those poor souls they rip off.

I would blow up Kansas just cause I could.
Make a continent completely out of sausage.
Make Congress work for a living,
strike them all down with disabilities,
have them lose their jobs,
and then see
how up they really are for the abolition of welfare.

And I would make all our angry tribes realize
that if we just treat each other like we want to be treated
we wouldn't have to look to God for justice.

And we wouldn't have to look longingly to heaven for comfort.

Because we would already be there.

Copyright, EPB, 1995


All that good
school education was
really worth the money.
Mrs. Vohls would
be proud. I know
this God stuff!