"That old September feeling, left over from school days, of summer passing, vacation nearly done, obligations gathering, books and football in the air...Another fall, another turned page: there was something of jubilee in that annual autumnal beginning, as if last year's mistakes had been wiped clean by summer." Wallace Stegner

Pastoral Note

Dear Ones,

I am mindful as I look towards the end of my annual leave of many things to be grateful for. I am grateful for the community my family has come to be part of over many years on remote Beaver Island, Michigan, in the midst of the "northern Caribbean" islands where some days it is too windy to sail and 80 degrees is a heat wave. And I am grateful for you, the community God has brought us into belonging and partnership in a very different place, beautiful Arizona!

I am grateful that Pat Hoover has taken on production of a monthly newsletter for St Peters, whose provisional title I see as "The Spirit of the Rock," the Spirit that will help all of us grow in love, service, and belonging to God in Christ.

I am grateful for the ministries of St. Peter's, lead with giftedness by many members, staff, and deacons.

Being away and having space to reflect, read, and renew in other ways is good for each of us. We can then approach our regular routine without sleepwalking or anxiety that becomes so familiar it blinds us to what is stirring, beautiful, and calling forth something good we can nurture and wait for.

I am grateful that Sue Larson and Phyllis Winters have agreed to be the lay co-administrators of a new church membership system that offers us new ways to connect with one another. Sue has a strong education and management background and Phyllis has extensive business and training experience that will help us make the new tools ones of empowerment and help.

Every member of St. Peter's deserves to be loved, known, understood, and respected. Any tool that helps us prevent information being missed, and helps us build our relationships with one another, will help us grow.

You may have some information or insight that can be usefully deployed and shared in this new monthly newsletter, or in the new membership program, directory, and calendaring tools.

I look forward to growing, learning and listening in love with you for God's help for our journey this fall.

In Christ's love,


Outreach Ministries
The outreach ministries of St. Peter's sets us apart from other churches.
Our love of God extends to all people. Over the years, we have developed a strong mission of serving all of God's most needy with the joy we experience from our worship services.

Honoring Veterans In 2015 Deacon Michael joined an Episcopal monthly lunch program for veterans living in a transitional housing facility in Phoenix. Without this housing program, most would be homeless.

Every month a faithful group of volunteers prepare, pack the food and drive to the facility on Grand Avenue off Indian School. They not only bring a delicious hot lunch, but more importantly, they bring smiles, friendship and love to our veterans.

Old Pueblo Restaurant in Litchfield Park, provided a Mexican lunch for the vets on August 23rd, 2019.

If you have free time on the 4th Friday of the month, meet the team in the church kitchen about 10 and spend a few hours with this well organized, happy and dedicated group. They can always use two more hands. The time you spend will enrich your heart and the hearts of our service men and women.

Click to Respond to contact Michael Douglas to learn more.

Fellowship Ministries

Pete's Eats Please join parishioners and visitors Sunday, September 8, 2019 for a delicious, hot cooked breakfast!

This is a time for fellowship
with folks you may not know
from different services.

The menu includes a varied main dish, scrambled eggs, sausage, fruit, coffee and tea. Service is from 8:45 to 10:45. If you just want coffee, please stop by - we'd love to see you!

  • A family of 4 members is $7.00 each
  • A family over 4 members is $3.00 for each additional person
  • If a child just wants a bowl of cereal - it's free!!

The Pete's Eats Team presented a $2,000 check at the annual parish meeting to pay down the loan on Celebration Hall. They will present another check at the January 2020 parish meeting for this purpose.

Click to Respond to contact Jeff Swenson to learn more.


Not Your Kids' Camp Remember the excitement of summer camp: escaping parents, meeting new kids, talking half the night, singing songs around a campfire, and eating s'mores? In August, nine St. Peter's members joined fifty other participants at Chapel Rock Episcopal Adult Camp in Prescott. In modern facilities under fragrant pines campers participated in inspirational presentations and group discussions, along with indoor and outdoor activities designed to revive and energize everyone.

Bishop Reddall offered messages promoting guided and thoughtful small group discussions. Activities included meetings on the book, Falling Upward, by Richard Rohr, Tai Chi, kayaking and art sessions aimed at a deeper awareness of spirituality. The agenda included the traditional campfire program under the full moon with singing, funny stories, and yes, even s'mores. The last night was an entertaining talent show. Three hearty meals a day, along with dessert and snacks galore were enjoyed. Camp ended with a moving Taize service, leaving all with renewed spirits to return home.

Here are comments from some of the participants:

"Singing around the campfire under the full moon reminded me of my own camping experiences. It was good to see such a vital group of seniors having fun. Plus it was great to have someone preparing our food." Mary

"The spiritual art exercise was the highlight of my camp experience, as we each shared our own spiritual journey in words and art. Being among the fragrant pines and starry skies was wonderful." Shirley

"The Bishop's comments were so very personal and thoughtful that I felt that she was talking to me. I can truly say that she is the only bishop I have ever seen roasting marshmallows and leading songs around a campfire!" Pam


Arts and Crafts Festival: Attention Artists, Crafters and Shoppers!!!

An Arts and Crafts Festival is being planned for November 2nd and 3rd in Celebration Hall. If you have art or crafts to sell, you may purchase a setup table or space for $25. Whatever you sell, you keep the proceeds!

Click to Respond to contact Michelle for more information or to reserve a table or space.

Youth Ministry 

Youth Mission Trip We were blessed by an incredible community at Christ Episcopal Church, Redondo Beach, California that provided us housing while on our Los Angeles August 18th - 24th 2019 summer mission trip!! Our 16 students and 5 leaders enjoyed putting their faith into action as we gained a new understanding of the Los Angeles area and problems facing these communities.

We worked with Share A Meal food truck and Midnight Mission to feed the hungry, The Compton Initiative to help bring hope and restoration to Compton, and the Pasadena Educational Foundation to restore educational gardens at a school in Pasadena. Fun and memories bonded our group at the beach, Homegirl Cafe, the Fun Factory Arcade, and Magic Mountain.

All of us are forever changed! We encourage everyone to step out of your comfort zone and put your faith into action while being open to experiences that will change you and the people you serve.

Thursday, September 12th from 6-8pm the Youth Group will host an Intergenerational Dinner/Discussion.
Anyone and everyone is welcome to join us!

Click to Respond or call Liz Hengst at (919)348-0244 for more information.


What was Your Favorite Summer Memory? From some of our younger kids...
  • Going on a plane to Tennessee, it had bright green grass and a ton of trees. Aidan
  • Going to the Grand Canyon. Dominic
  • Best part was getting home to be with Mom, going to Vacation Bible School and making cool things with Ms. Debbie. Brianna
  • My favorite thing about this past summer was camping at Patagonia Lake. Ethan

Faith Formation 

Encountering God and Growing our Faith through Scripture. We are launching a transformative faith-building opportunity at St Peter's this fall.

DISCIPLE is a program of disciplined Bible study aimed at developing strong Christian leaders. It focuses on the disciple as learner, believer, follower, proclaimer and servant while providing the fellowship of a small group for study, prayer, preparation, support and servanthood. Through daily prayer, reading and reflection, participants discover a spiritual discipline and a transformative experience, a way into living more intentionally as disciples of Jesus Christ.

The purpose of DISCIPLE Bible study is "to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ." ~Ephesians 4:12?

What you can expect from the DISCIPLE Bible Study Program is to be with biblically nourished persons who are committed to live as disciples. Persons taking part in this study will learn the meaning of servant leadership.

DISCIPLE assumes the Bible is key to renewal in the church and affirms that the canon was formed as it is in order for God to speak to us. The Old and New Testaments are given equal time emphasizing the wholeness of the Bible as a revelation of God and draws upon the work of scholars to aid understanding of the Bible. DISCIPLE aims at transformation, not just information.

DISCIPLE is based on the model of Jesus and the12 disciples. This small-group study works best with 10-14 members including the leader. Regardless of their background, groups covenant together in terms of commitment of time, preparation and attendance at all sessions.

Come discover that the Bible still speaks miraculously in new ways, in different times and cultures, and leads to new insight into God's purposes and hopes for people. In the course of the year's study in a group, spiritually and intellectually alive, Bible Study can be life-changing. Each group will have two co-facilitators. Different groups will all be studying the same materials each week to spark conversations across the congregation and synchronicity in Sunday Worship.

Here is what we hope for:

  1. Wednesday morning 8-10 am group. Facilitators to be announced.
  2. Wednesday midday 1-3 pm group co-facilitated by The Rev. Dr. Amy Jacober, our St. Peter's Montessori school chaplain, and theology faculty member at Grand Canyon University, and Jayin Wavrik, wife of Pastor James. Jayin is a trained DISCIPLES facilitator with a long history of Christian formation in congregations.
  3. Wednesday or Thursday evening 6:30 to 8:30 pm group that would meet on which evening works for the most people. This group would be led by Pastor James.
  4. Saturday morning 9-11:00 am group led by Pastor James. A co-facilitator may emerge as well.

These groups will start with a Friday evening and Saturday retreat experience at our facility on September 20th-21st (the Sunday group may start a week earlier, tbd) and will conclude with a retreat on May 2nd.

Click "DISCIPLES" to Sign Up or "Click to Respond" to contact James to learn more.



Morning Group A group meets once a month on a Monday morning (the exact date varies) to discuss books about spiritual journeys. Their next book discussion on The Book of Joy, a conversation between Desmond Tutu and the Dalai Lama, began on August 26th.

Call Caroline Wolfe at (623)451-7763 for more information

Women's Study Group The Women's Study group, led by lay leaders began August 22nd at 12:30pm and meets the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month. The book they chose is The Five People You Meet in Heaven, by Mitch Albom. Each person brings their lunch and meets in the Library (formerly Space Room).

Click to Respond or call Cheryl Whetten at (602)920-4907 for more information.


St. Peter's Mission Statement One Vestry Goal for 2019 is to listen, discern and express our mission and vision for St. Peter's.

Please join Sr. Warden Matt Sandoval, and several others who want to work on developing a new mission statement that supports a culture of servant leadership and outreach to our parishioners and the world around us. This important statement will also help those looking for a new church home to read what St. Peter's stands for in and for the world.

Click to Respond to contact Matt Sandoval for more information or to join the team.


Share Your Thoughts If you have ideas for future newsletters contact Pat.
Editor: Pat Hoover
Asst. Editor:
Shirley Goldsmith