are lightening visits
Reminiscent of a late favorite aunt
stopping by to break the journey,
Except he comes mainly to see me.
It was not
always so; I recall fierce squabbling
He gave up
innocence and went to 'Nam' while I cocooned in
liberal arts,
Self-absorbed in interior landscape.
Loss at last
links us dearer,
No longer father, mother to home on.
And we age,
glimpsing our mortality, re-valuing common roots
still deep in rich Midwestern soil
though most of
the continent intervenes.
Knowing he
comes, I plan, avid to maximize leach minute.
Impart the richness of my eastern life.
It matter not that plans miscarry;
We revel in
togetherness, revealing trials and triumphs of home
and work,
to affirm our shared belonging.
Shortly he
flies, and what remains is rich residue of poignant
I view afresh
the heritage,
and who might we be, the far-flung two.
Reflections of
high excellence, of depth of
character, breadth of thought, recognizing
father, mother, both, this brother,
Longing to
mirror the same to him.