I don't remember being born.
But writing this all down for posterity is strong circumstantial evidence I was.Sister Alice tells the birth story I like best.
According to Alice I was born in our parent's downstairs bedroom about 11 a.m. Saturday morning March 15, 1941 while she and her siblings were banished to the North porch. Alice says that when she said "I just heard a baby cry." She was told to be quiet, she was imagining things.
Furthermore I can personally attest to having grown up in a farm house surrounded by two brothers and four sisters and I can remember hearing Esther and Howard Bradley refer to me as "son."
Of course Alice had the last laugh a few minutes later when Dad opened the door and said... "You have a new brother and we're going to call him John after your Grandfather John Taylor and Leonard after my Father, Leonard Bradley."
Mom once told me my birth caused her to miss Grandpa and Grandma Bradley's March 15, 1941 Golden Wedding Anniversary celebration. There may some truth to this rendition of my entree into the Bradley Clan.